Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dolly Goes to the Endodontist

Name: Rebekah Nelson

Date: September 26, 2012

Destination: Paducah, KY

Latitude: N 37.072226

Longitude: W 88.627436

Round Trip Miles: 141 miles

Total Miles: 2515.94 miles

On the afternoon of Tuesday September 25, 2012, I took Dolly home from class and brought her into my humble abode for the evening. I introduced her to my two cats, Jack and Baby. Baby was rather uninterested in my new friend and more interested in taking a nap. Jack, on the other hand, was quite thrilled at the brief addition to the family. I placed Dolly on our kitchen table and left the room for a moment. When I came back to the dining room, he had snuggled up with his new friend. After an evening of cuddling with my cat, Dolly came to work with me at the VA. She sat quietly on my desk throughout my work day and charmed my co-workers. In the early afternoon on the 26th, my dad picked up Dolly and I from my work and we embarked on our journey to the endodontist in Paducah, KY. Dolly enjoyed an hour and fifteen minutes of lively conversation between me and my dad. Once we arrived at our destination of Dr. Shield's office, we paused for a brief photo shoot in front of the sign for her office. Dolly was a great comfort to me while they stuck my gums with needles and drilled holes in my tooth. After our office visit, Dolly and I climbed back into my parents' car and headed for home. Dolly and my dad greatly enjoyed my attempts at speech on the way home as I attempted to speak with half of my mouth numb. My dad returned us to the VA where Dolly and I climbed into my car and proceeded to the meeting for the Student Council for Exceptional Children at SIU. After spending one more evening in my lovely home, Dolly and I went for a short bike ride on Thursday morning where I returned her safe and sound to Mrs. Stearns.

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